Sufi Conference Audio Library
Recordings available: 2008 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001
We have made available an archive of audio talks for downloading. All talks are available as MP3 files. Please note, complete talks are often available in two parts. If you are unable to download and would like to purchase a CD of any of these talks, they are available for $8 each plus shipping. Please contact us to order or inquire.
Recordings from The Awakening of the Heart
2008 Sufi Conference
2008 Sufi Conference, October 16-19
(Click here to view available free video of the 2008 Conference)
Pir Zia Inayat-Khan
Sufism’s Contribution to Planetary Culture
Saturday, Oct. 18th, 2008
Recordings from Song of the Heart
2006 Sufi Conference
2006 Sufi Conference, October 6-8
Recordings from The Power of Love
2005 Sufi Conference
2005 Sufi Conference, October 14-16
Shaykha Fariha Al-Jerrahi
Introduction to Zikr: the Circle of Divine Love
Saturday, Oct. 15th, 2005
Recordings from Uniting Inner and Outer
2004 Sufi Conference
2004 Sufi Conference, May 13-16
Recordings from Uniting Inner and Outer
2003 Sufi Conference
2003 Sufi Conference, November 13-16
Myosho Virginia Matthews
Chop Wood; Carry Water: Presence in Everyday Life
Saturday, Nov. 15th, 2003
Recordings from The Joy of Service
2002 Sufi Conference
2002 Sufi Conference, May 16-19
Pir Zia Inayat-Khan
The Timelessness & Timeliness of Sufi Morals
Friday, May 17th, 2002
Recordings from Lover and Beloved
2001 Sufi Conference
2001 Sufi Conference, May 17-20
Dr. Robert Ibrahim Jaffe
Sufism and Energetic Healing
Friday, May 18th, 2001
Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
Catching the Thread: Dreamwork as Spiritual Practice
Saturday, May 19th, 2001
2001 Sufi Conference, January 4-7
Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
Catching the Thread: Dreamwork as Spiritual Practice
Saturday, Jan. 6th, 2001